Community Service
The Clearwater Kennel Club is about more then just holding dog shows. It's active and hardworking members are involved in all sorts of canine related activities, such as giving back to the community. We donate to the Clearwater Police Department K-9 Unit, Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Unit, Fire and Rescue Department and Arson Squad K-9 Units. We also donate to local rescue organizations like the Suncoast Animal League in Palm Harbor and are proud sponsors of the Southeastern Guide Dogs service animals located in Palmetto.
As you can see, the Clearwater Kennel Club is a multifaceted organization. If you not only love your own dog, but also your breed and dogs in general and want to network with a dedicated group of people that share the same interests, the Clearwater Kennel Club may just be something that will interest you or a family member. Please contact us today so you can be a part of this organization that enjoys our community and giving back to what makes it great!
Organizations that we make donations to:
- The Clearwater Police Department K-9 Unit
- Largo Police Department K-9 Unit
- Pinellas Park Police Department K-9 Unit
- Clearwater Fire and Rescue
American Kennel Club:
- AKC Canine Health
- AKC Reunite
- AKC Take the Lead
We also donate to local rescue organizations like:
- The Suncoast Animal League in Palm Harbor
- Annual Scholarship Fund to the St Pete College Vet-Tech Program
Proud sponsors each year to the Southeastern Guide Dogs in Palmetto Florida
Clearwater K9 officers presenting president of the Clearwater Kennel Club with an award.

Check presentation of $25,000.00 to the Southeastern guide dogs in the memory of our past president Mary Stolz. A organization that exceeds in every way to assist our veterans and people in need of companion dogs for many different handicaps.